During this aptly named winter semester, a growing love of biking and a declining level of trust in my little car's abilities have led to a new skill, biking on ice. The first time I tried, three falls brought me to the end of the block, pretty bad if you consider that I live on the corner. Before the ice began to melt, however, I was ten miles strong. As I finish up my classes and apply for medical school in the summer, I find that I am biking on ice to the finish and the following rules apply:
1. Make sure you are comfortable. Good gloves and hat are not optional.
2. Before hitting ice, find your center of balance.
3. On ice,whatever you do, do not lose that center of balance
4. Do not change direction or try to accelerate on the ice.
5. Do not stop or slow down on the ice.
6. In short,do not do anything sudden on the ice.
7. Know that the ice will eventually melt, even in South Dakota.
Despite confusing pieces of advice and despite my own unjustified uncertainties, now is not the time to lose my center of balance or swerve.