Tuesday, August 23, 2011

People, Peddlers, Policemen and POTHOLES!

Friday, August 20
Back to Uganda, where the border patrol relieved GP and GM of another $100 for not having a multiple entry visa. A long road left us reflecting on our experiences thus far..... on the road we see hundreds of pedestrians, millions of bananas (I suggested they be used as a means of exchange-- but then inflation would really skyrocket!), bicycles, and cattle. We see babies on backs, bananas on bicycles, and bicycle riders holding onto milk trucks. Farms without tractors or plows, small children without parents, rubbish without bins (in Uganda but NOT Rwanda). We also see logos, every new white pickup has the name of some NGO, most T- shirts have the name of someone or some institution (as people buy them used from our shipments), and shops as well as houses are painted (for free) with cell phone logos. Where else do people wear Yankees baseball caps having never heard of baseball? Uganda. It is surely more expensive to live and travel unlabeled, as then no one else is paying your way. Oh yes, we also see speed bumps ( humps) and dirt roads and bumpy roads, and sometimes, no roads at all. People, peddlers, policemen, and yes, POTHOLES!
These would not be bad if there were decent drivers-- speeding on the wrong side of a road up a hill= normal. Doing the above with 10 people in a 5 seat Honda when drunk= The life of a local taxi driver-- remember what we said about life expectancy?

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