Saturday, March 31, 2012

South Dakota terminology

The Peace Corps advised us to return home mindful that we would find a unique, and at times foreign, culture awaiting us. Here are some takes on life from South Dakota:
1. Theft: When someone takes your purse out of your unattended grocery cart. (In other states, this is called charity)
2. Town: Any place with a name, a grain elevator, an implement dealer, and a bar.
3. High speed information: ladies' society "prayer" meeting.
4. Headline news: "Man catches 63 fish over license limit"
5. Pot Roast Pizza: The local parlor's specialty; yes, corn, mashed potatoes and roast on a hand tossed crust...
6. State sport: rodeo (again, no joke)
7. Old maid: high school degree and STILL no ring...
8. Foreign land: well, you've heard of WESTERN South Dakota...
9. Claustrophobia: excess of 10 people per square mile (state average).
10.Family doctor: a medical doctor who treats children and senior citizens, and delivers babies! (in other states you need a 5 physician team to do all that!)

A stranger in a strange land: me!


  1. I just can't degrade pizza enough to try it, but there is a loyal following

  2. Hahahaha I like point 3, 6 and 7 LOL ;)
