Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Starting the pre-med process.

I spent four months landing in South Dakota, preparing for the next step, deciding whether to do a premedical post- bac, and arranging for the premedical year. It was not fun to have such an emotional roller coaster. It was, however, a good time for spiritual connections, through a local parish group, and through my family, who love me even when I feel lost.

My premedical year is about to begin. I am doing a whirlwind driving trip with my grandparents down from South Dakota through Iowa, Arkansas, and Texas, seeing family members along the way. On Sunday, I will go to Sioux Falls. On Monday, I will begin class. On Tuesday, I will begin the screening and training sessions for work.

The process will actually be very straight forward; I must take Chemistry I and II this summer, Biology I, Physics I and Organic Chemistry I this fall, and Biology II, Physics II, and Calculus this spring (I completed Biology II already). Next summer, I will take a Kaplan review course then the MCAT. Late summer will be dedicated to applications for different medical schools. During this time, I will be working part time at the Children's Care hospital as a direct support professional. I will be able to help severely disabled children through therapy sessions, school days, and evening activities. I think it will be a great opportunity to give to another person.
The next academic year will be one of interviews, biochemistry, anatomy and physiology, and, hopefully, full time work.

One year of academics and one year of working and waiting. There are fears: am I smart/ driven enough? Is this foolish? I will have one year to find out. I personally think it is about discipline; regular and rigorous study, healthy life habits, and staying sane. I was told by a friend that followed a similar path that it is very easy to know if this is right....."your first chemistry test, Sarah. The same logic, the same format, is used from that first chemistry test through the rest of medical school....." Yikes.. here we come!

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